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Supervivientes    Supervivencia de Equipo    Caza del terrorista(Coop)    Terrorist Hunt Advanced    
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UbinameNicks usados
alpenyeti2206OS*Speedy(AUT), plane_front_doo, middle, other_side, X-Cone, OS**********, tower, pyramide, go_tv, ROOF, go_back, Speedy(AUT), outside, shoot_barrels, cells_undergrou, pipi, go_down, up, ggz_cyaaaaaaa, im_with_ya, shoutbox!, UP_sawz, RESTART, go_up, Volbeat, near_spawn, Yeti, Austrian_Stalli, MT-07, hinter_dir, auf_dir
Overall57 53 1490 159 10% 96 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 1.08 Score: 1106
darkwimmyGannef, ontopofthestair, Vrijdag8uur, firetruck, First_building, WhereIdied
Overall15 16 441 53 12% 24 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 0.94 Score: 404
Dovahkiin8792Dovahkiin, 4backoutside, whatthefuck, nofuckingway, Bb, onleft, middlehousedown, lastinsidewall, Dovahkiinn, you_got_this, very_top, Kovahkiin, 3_on_the_fridge, house_by_spawn, outside, central_hallway, negative, more_front, center, about_time_suck, spawn_on_left, 1_back, finish_it, 1st_house, tunnel, Hangar, brb_in_a_few, back, no__1_there_sni, top, brb, toilet_02, middle, top_by_piano, behind, back_street, last_house, INeedHelp!, BurningDova, spawnhouse, LoneWolf, yup, up, DovaChristmas, tunnels, 1st_building, friendly_tango
Overall27 17 469 89 18% 34 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 1.59 Score: 1043
impulse2k10Impulse., daddy*, nub.|.Imp., .nub|imp.
Overall190 32 16% 10 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 8.00 Score: 1635
krowolaKrowola, kill_urself, middle_stairwel, now_climb_pole, Roof, go_back, btm_left_spawn, one_up_ladder, middle_stairs, run_n_gun, spawn_up, up, up_from_u, up_stairs, under_ground, shooting_area, room_frt_house, under_u, garage, top_1st_buildin, upstairs, all_the_way_up, behind_fence, bathroom, garage_left, on_fire_stairs, dr_by_stairs, JustlikeThatKel, ineedkel_back, GoKelGo!, ggz_cya, shoot_the_walls, go_down_kel, in_building, warehouse, front_of_house, go_bucky_go, go_down, Sex.exe, The_Hardener, outside, Krolowa, fan, closet_in_bthrm, nade_up_again, spec_is_afk, afk, reception_area, crawl_tunnel, gray_truck, climb_pole, go_back_up, other_stairs, turn_around, middle_of_map, Boom!, JUMP!!!, on_balcony, go_back_spec, spawn, Flick_Me, yes, WINNER!, go_Hite_go, run_n_gun_plz, 1_min, Come_Play_jig, u_are_:), thru_windows, top_of_first_bu, clothes_washing, gtg_ggz, ShowOff, REALLY_, Thx_Jig, tunnels, 1_st_floor, go_back_kilo, 2nd_fl_big_buil, Shhhh_dnt_tell_, dova_broke_it, go_down_:), garden, windows_evil, on_the_street, Murderer!, same_level_as_u, same_spot, omg, warehouse_upsta, The_Nigger, come_play, u_missed_the_bo, other_building, roof_:), Kitchen, Krow
Overall16 396 64 16% 17 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 4.00 Score: 831
kupidoncopDukeNukem, DukeNukem[UA], CarpetOnTheWall, DudeNukem, NewYear, opposite_buildi, 1st_floor
Overall64 14 21% 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 1.25 Score: 127
LinkeLoetjeNLLinkeLoet, LinkeLoetNL
Overall15 20% 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 0.33 Score: 34
MoSabahsawz, sawz_brb, God_Bless_USA, blah, slomo, kitchen, go_back, Foss, lag, brb, thanx_assholes, MoSabah, downstairs, ggs, water_tank, roof_by_tanks, SportsBra, _3, yard, go_down, behind_you, terminal, u_can_do_it, gotta_eat, upstairs_middle, tunnel, ima_watch, lower_level, roof, sawz_Claus, walk_on_pipe, jump_in, look_up, above_in_dark, foyer, thru_tunnel, ISEK, 3_down_below, Crayola, above, alley_above_tru, [Xmas]sawz, |MIP|Mr.Pink, by_tower, lowest_level
Overall11 354 23 6% 14 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 0.73 Score: 152
Mr_JigglyPuff0S*MrJigglyPuff, MrJigglyPuff, Jig, TheJigster, I_Am_JigglyPuff, GOLGO13, 0S*Jig-WillTK4$, Jig-Will-TK-4-$, **The_Jigster**, *0S*The_Jigster, 0S**The_Jigster, come_in_Bones, 0S*TheJigster, **TheJigster**, 0SCptBottleNeck, 0S*MrJig, 0S*Shhhhhhhhh, Hi_Baroness, Mr_JigglyPuff**, Hurricane-Jig, Village, up-middle_room, 0S*MrLovePuff, WorkOnMapsBish, WantSomeCheese_, CheckPMBish, 0S*KaputtPuff, 0S*MrWerePuff, poppie_poppie, HappyNewJiggly, JigglyLovePuff, 0S*YourName, 0$*MrJigglyPuff, 0S*MerryJiggly, 0S*HoHoHoJiggly, 0S*MisterJiggly, UncleTouchyPuff, 0S*SantaPuff, 0S*UncleTouchie, 0S*Puff-N-Stuff, Hey-twigo, spawn-dumpster, 0S*JigglyPuff, wtf_is_Rust_, no_thanks, want2enjoyRvS, 0S*MrMerryPuff, Laid_off, Still_Busy
Overall21 19 321 76 23% 29 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 1.11 Score: 483
OniMoanaOS*PrincessOni, OS*SexyNurseOni, FreshOni, GO_BACK, Jane, OS*VoyeurOni, Outside, OS*...*.*..., OtherSide, roof, OS*BreitesGrins, SomeChick, takeTIME, OS*Mrs.Oni, OS*Fantasy, MussPinkeln, LuvYaPops, CautionStairs, EinSüßesLuder, EinScharfesStüc, EinGeilesStück, KleinesGeiles, OS*OldLady, OS*Young'n'Swee, OS*SpeedyLuder, OS*SpeedysLuder, Feuchtgebiet, Rattenscharf, LUNCH, Mrs.Oni, unter_dir, OS*Wattebausch, OS*ZuluLuder, OS*KuschelnWill, Draußen, Full_Tower, SLOW, FUL, GoBackFence, HungryBrb, Tunnel, Brb, OS*ChocoPussy, behindMaskRoof, OS*Kittyhunter, NimmDirZeit, LEFT, OS*PussyKiller, MySecretLuvJigg, Blue, Pink, PinkMuffin, OS*GeilesLuder, below_you, GoSlow, OS*Unerfahren, OS*Cute, OS*LecktSpeedy, OS*Cuty, MachLangsam, NichLustich, OS*MrsOni, yellow_house_sp, Turn, IPaddress, Website, OS*Feuchtgebiet, Mitte, WatchWebsite, Crepes, OS*ExtremErfahr, OS*Unschuldig, OS*KleinesGeile, OS*Slow&Easy, OS*Sweety, OS*SexySweety, OS*MiladyOni, OS*EinGanzLiebe, osFrechesLiebes, OS*FrecheLiebe, clear, OS*SexyLadyOni, SweetTemptation, OS*JealousGirl, OS*SweetGirl, OS*Delicious, Oni, HOLE, OS*ZuluSpeedy, OS*SexyBeast, Strawberry, JiggyBabe, OS*LilSweetyOni, ...*.*..., CuteLilSweety, OS*BoesesLiebes, BoesesEtwas, NoChocoForJig, ZULUspeedy, Schnuffelchen, OS*Oni, VerenaAgina, BoesesMadel, BEHIND_YA, OS*Quicky, OS*MissNoSleep, OS*Voyeur, OS*Exhibitionis, OS*Blasebalg, KleinesLuder, OS*LaggyLadyOni, Y.E.X.S, OS*Y.E.X.S_Swee, OS*Y.E.X.S*Oni, OS*Y.X.E.S*Oni, YourDirtyHobby, OS*SweetSecret, OS*SpeedysNurse, OS*YourReward, multispawnREGAL, OS*Check, KleineGeileMaus, ZULUspeedy!, OS*SweetChili, OS*ZuluLady, RIGHT, OS*ScaryLady, LEFTcorner, OS*BewareBites, Snowball, OS*BunnyOni, behind_you, OS*SunshineOni, OS*ZuluLadyOni, Yellow, OS*GeileSau, OS*MiladyYeah, OS*VeryLaggyOni, OS*MuffinSweety, BEHIND, OS*JiggleBabe, OS*SweetLilOni, OS*OniMapTests, OS*OniTests_, Up, OS*OniTesting, OS*Zuluuu, OS*TestGoddess, OS*MildayOni, OS*SpeedyHunter, TurnNGo, OS*FairyOni, OS*SpeedyEater, OS*LilCutyOni, HINTER, Ahead..._not_le, OS*SuperLagOni, UpSpeedy, OS*EvilOni, OS*, CornerWall, OS*InvisibleOni, Ai, OS*LilGift
Overall27 61 766 116 15% 86 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 0.44 Score: 489
persianpu55yJOHNDOE, Cushens
Overall108 18 16% 10 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 0.50 Score: 105
prockjwFoDDeR, roamer, HAHA, SupBich, sup_bich, comeget-tkd, jig_isa_noob, NOOB, map_list_name, JOHNDOE, jig=noob, jigsmybich, HaPPyNEWyeaR, u-suck, lan-login, join-lan-ip, ILL-move_U, BUT-I-AM-STONED, -IEF-STONER
Overall12 353 16 4% 16 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 0.42 Score: 89
Overall59 13% 15 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 0.56 Score: 118
rxs-100RXS, forest_gump, IM_PISSED, O_YES, -NATE-RXS, LADDER, where_eclipse_i, 1_on_castel_wal, PreOp, balcony_liying_, spawn_building_, above_my_dead_b, missed_one, flowers, garadge, 2-MANY-Eggs, out_back_, roof_at_begin, back_in_generat, enter_the_drago, underground, The_Hooded_Claw, book_case, in_toilet, ERU-VAN, door_that_wont_, Robbie_Excess, he_on_ladder, warehouse, BRB, take_telliport, DER_SHERIFF, under_boat, CAREFULL, forklift, go_back, ROOF, AT_LORRYS, UP, SCROOGE, UP_TOP, 1_outside_laydo, red_truck, under_ship, roof_building, under-ship, go_up_ladder
Overall229 51 22% 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 3.00 Score: 305
Overall13 7% 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 0.00 Score: 0
ssdrummerDrUmMeR, PiSToLeR, 1_middle_by_tru, ¦§¤§¦²Drummer, ¦§¤§¦²Dammitt, Krawola
Overall91 14 15% 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 1.50 Score: 152
Overall15 0% 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 0.00 Score: 0
Viquis(TO)$h!onger, BlowM3Hard, w!gg!3wogg!3, I'mNobody, (Tac-Ops)$h!ong, $tepDaddy$h!ong, Da'$h!onger!, Down_below!, (TO)$Sh!onger, ButterBean, gno!h$, (TO)$h!ong, |FU|.chlong., .gnolhs., (Tac-Ops)Shlong, $anta$h!ong, |SK|TO.Shlong, StepDaddyShlong, |SK|wig!3wog!3, |SK|T.O.Shlong, .ziggy., |SK|TO.ziggy., |SK|TO.shlong., DaShlonger!, DaShlong, |SK|TO.Shlong!, JOHNDOE, BronxBoy, .ozmosis., Ozmosis., Howie_go_up__u_, Shlong, shoot_tabole, RobotChicken, (TO)Shlonga!, Potato|Shlongs, (TO)Rasputin, (Tac-Ops)Rasput, (T0)Rasputin, (TO)Shlonger, 9, (TO)Shlong, .rasputin., .shlomo, .SliperyShlong, .freshshlong., .shlonger., (TO)Shlong., .guess., (TO)Shlong!, .not2day., Shlonger, GroggyShlong, Mr_meener, .shlong., .i_am_shlong., Shlong_Lives!, .penelope., emtae, Snow, (TO)Shlonger., {Xmas}Kocs, .shlong.., JollyRgr, Sorrow, ShlongoPlay
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 0.00 Score: 0


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